Wednesday, May 13, 2020

My New Code Blog

Computer software is something that I'm very interested in.  I've been very fortunate in that something that I have an interest in is also something that one can get paid to do, not that you always get to build things that you find innately interesting !

The whole time on the job over the years, I've always had side projects and side investigations that I've worked on out of personal interest.  These languish away on various storage media perhaps to be re-read some day perhaps not.

I've been helped a lot at times by various random people who have posted up their examples and findings when it comes to considering some software problem or other, it finally occurred to me that maybe someone else might find something that I've done to be helpful to them.

So, I've started my own Code Blog.   I hope the search engines find some of the articles on the chance that someone out there might find something useful or interesting them as I found other's stuff interesting and helpful to me.

Here it is:

Click me to visit the Code Blog !

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